Test of Canon S100 RECSEA Housing

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Le Canon S100 et son caisson Recsea


Recsea housingThis latest generation of expert compact could not exist without an underwater housing that satisfy the most demanding photographers. This was made by the Japanese manufacturer Recsea with this « housing » shouting strength and precision. (FRENCH VERSION)

With its sleek design in black corrosion resistant aluminum, the housing first opens with a secure hinge that allows even automatically take off the back door (1 = closed, 2 = open, 3 = off the door), and we discover double O-ring. The camera comes fully get stuck and closing is as simple as opening.

The grip of the housing is excellent, enhanced by a reinforcement on which are putting your fingers on the front and rear, and also by a reduced size (132x87x88mm).

The big advantage with this pack is that all camera functions can be used directly via the commands (other boxes do not permit, you must then enter the menu to change settings  … so possible, but more tedious!).

The shutter button can surprise a little early, with a very short race (compared to the Ikelite), but this is ultimately a gain in speed shooting. The zoom control is located next door and comes back up automatically.

Three wheels, very precise, are available : one located above the box used to select the shooting mode. A second on the back lets you navigate through the menu and change the default speed shooting. Finally, around the front port, a large dial to change the default setting. Of course, these last two wheels can be configured on the device by the user.

La molette arrière et le bouton vidéo

At the rear, a red button activates the video directly. It is indeed a novelty on the S100, the video can be triggered instantly from any mode.
Cache-flash et prises pour fibres optiques

The camera’s internal flash can be well used, with a diffuser particularly effective, minimizing shadows. Two external flashes can be connected via a small cover that screws to the internal flash, and hosting both directly bare optical fiber. No specific plug needed !

Finally, the front port is in 44mm and 67mm adapter accommodates manufactured by Dyron for screwing various lens adapters.

The housing is waterproof to 100m (328 feet) and 60m to guarantee operational. Deeper, there may be some commands may not function properly because of the pressure.

Despite a higher rate than other houses, this Recsea housing has reliability and accuracy that will delight its users. This is a real expert housing an expert compact !

Mise en place de l'appareilLa face arrière du caisson recseaMise en place de l'appareil

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